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Composer and Performer
[sound is] A Body in Space - Alison Fane, percussion. Commissioned for the ANAM Set
A piece about the body and its inhabitation of space. A piece about the physicality of percussion and its inhabitation of space. This work explores planes and directions, parallels and relationships between instruments and the body, and different scales of movement and sound.
Read an interview between Al Fane and myself in Cut Common here.
La Mama Musica @
La Mama Courthouse, Mon June 28, 7:30
dis)locations: A place of exploration of journey, identity and belonging, for all those who traverse.
Power and Control - Alison Fane, percussion (ANAM)
During 2020, I collabroated with Alison Fane on the development of my new work Interstices, which explores the spaces in between what we conventionally think of as 'the music'.
Who might we be if we were not constrained into limited possibilities for being? What potentialities are discarded before they even emerge into consciousness? What becomes audible if we learn to listen beyond the boundaries of this music? Premiere TBA, 2021.
Festival of Bells, St James Old Cathedral, West Melbourne (Originally scheduled March 21st 2020)
This exciting Festival involves both the Tower Bells and the unusual Mini Ring, as well as a choral ensemble and the Federation handbells. It will feature several composers of the Melbourne Composers' League, including the première of my Triple palindromic bob in doubles for St James.
photo courtesy Darren Gill
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